Connect to DB2 UDB

Execute the ECDA environment script to point to odbc.ini file to connect to DB2 UDB.

In the UNIX environment, the ODBC driver allows you to establish a centralized ODBC system information file that you can control. To do so, set the environment variable ODBCINI by executing the ECDA environment script to point to the qualified path name of the centralized file, provided by the ECDA installation. For example:

For C shell:


For Bourne or Korn shell:

Executing this script sets ODBCINI to install_dir/DC-15_0/connectivity/odbcini.

Remember, there must be an [ODBC] section in the system information file that includes the InstallDir keyword. Be sure that the keyword value is in the path to the directory install_dir/DC-15_0/connectivity.