ECDA Problems

Address postinstallation ECDA problems.

  • Confirm the release number of Open Server software. ECDA is compatible with Open Server and Adaptive Server versions identified in the release bulletin.

  • Check the log and trace files in the log file of the ServerName. Error messages look similar to:
    Error: 16029 Severity: 20 State: 0 OS Error: -1: Failed to start any network listeners OS Error Text: <srv-lib>
    Possible causes include:
    • One of the specified port numbers is in use. Change the port number to one that is not in use and try again.

    • The wrong machine name or IP address was specified. Enter the machine name or the IP address running the DirectConnect server.

    If the server fails before the log files initialize, error messages can be written to either the console or the Windows event log. If this occurs, see the Enterprise Connect Data Access and Mainframe Connect Server Administration Guide for explanations of these prelog messages.

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