Image Datatype

jConnect has a TextPointer class with sendData methods for updating an image column in an Adaptive Server or SQL Anywhere database.

In versions of jConnect earlier than 4.0, you had to send image data using the setBinaryStream method in java.sql.PreparedStatement. In version 5.0 and later, the TextPointer.sendData methods use and greatly improve performance when you send image data to an Adaptive Server database.

Warning!   Using the TextPointer class with sendData() method may affect the application as TextPointer is not a standard JDBC form.

Sybase recommends you use PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream(int paramIndex, InputStream image) or utilize the LOB locator support, both standard JDBCforms to send image data. However, setBinaryStream() may consume much more memory on procedure cache than the TextPointer class when large image data is handled.

Until a replacement for the TextPointer class is implemented, Sybase will continue supporting it.

To obtain instances of the TextPointer class, use either of these methods in SybResultSet: