Using GSE-J to Perform RSA Password Encryption

Use the Certicom Security Builder GSE-J to perform RSA password encryption.

Certicom Security Builder GSE-J is a FIPS 140-2 compliant JCE provider that is included in the jConnect driver. This provider contains two JAR files, EccpressoFIPS.jar and EccpressoFIPSJca.jar, which are both accessible from the $JDBC_HOME/classes and the $JDBC_HOME/devclasses directories.

To use the Certicom Security Builder GSE-J provider, set the value of JCE_PROVIDER_CLASS connection property to “com.certicom.ecc.jcae.Certicom”.

Note: If you enable password encryption by setting the ENCRYPT_PASSWORD connection property but not the JCE_PROVIDER_CLASS connection property, jConnect attempts to locate and load the Certicom Security Builder GSE-J provider. This succeeds only if EccpressoFIPS.jar and EccpressoFIPSJca.jar are located in the same directory as the jConnect JAR file—jconn4.jar or jconn4d.jar—in use.