Creating an Object Selection (Scripting)

You can create a selection of objects using the CreateSelection() method. You can perform actions on the selection such as changing properties or format or moving them to another package.

The following script creates a PDM, populates it with tables and then makes a selection of tables and moves them into a package:
Dim MyModel, obj, sym
set MyModel = CreateModel(PdPDM.Cls_Model,"DBMS=SYASA12")
MyModel.SetNameAndCode "MyPDM" , "MyPDM"
'Create tables
For idx = 1 to 12
   Set obj=MyModel.Tables.CreateNew()
   obj.SetNameAndCode "T" & idx, "T" & idx
   Set sym=ActiveDiagram.AttachObject (obj)
'Create package
Dim MyPackage
Set MyPackage=MyModel.Packages.CreateNew()
MyPackage.SetNameAndCode "P1", "P1"
ActiveDiagram.AttachObject (MyPackage)
'Create selection
Dim MySelection
Set MySelection = ActiveModel.CreateSelection
For idx = 1 to 5
   MySelection.Objects.Add(MyModel.FindChildByName("T" & (idx*2),cls_table))
'Move selection to package
To add all the tables to the selection, use the AddObjects method:
MySelection.AddObjects MyModel,cls_table
To remove an object from the selection, use the Remove method: