Creating and Opening Models (Scripting)

You create models and open existing models using the CreateModel() and OpenModel() global functions. The model with the current focus is accessible via the ActiveModel global property, and the models currently open in the workspace are available from the Models global collection.

This script creates a new OOM targeting the Analysis language, creates some classes in it, displays them in the diagram, and then saves the model and closes it:
Dim NewModel
set NewModel = CreateModel(PdOOM.Cls_Model, "Language=Analysis|Diagram=ClassDiagram|Copy")
If NewModel is Nothing then
 msgbox "Failed to create UML Model", vbOkOnly, "Error" ' Display an error message
 output "The UML model has been created" ' Display a message in Output
 NewModel.SetNameAndCode "MyOOM", "MyOOM" 'Initialize model name and code
 For idx = 1 to 12 'Create classes and display them
  Set obj=NewModel.Classes.CreateNew()
  obj.SetNameAndCode "C" & idx, "C" & idx
  Set sym=ActiveDiagram.AttachObject (obj)
 NewModel.Save "c:\temp\MyOOM.oom" ' Save the model
 NewModel.Close ' Close the model
 Set NewModel = Nothing ' Release last reference to object to free memory
End If
This script verifies that the previously created model exists, and then opens it in the workspace:
Dim MyModel, FileName
FileName = "c:\temp\MyOOM.oom"
On Error Resume Next ' Avoid generic scripting error message 
Set MyModel = OpenModel(FileName)
If MyModel is nothing then ' Display an error message box
 msgbox "Failed to open Model:" + vbCrLf + FileName, vbOkOnly, "Error"  
Else ' Display a message in Output
 output "The OOM has been opened."  
End If