Extracting Object Properties

Object properties are referenced as variables and enclosed between percent signs: %variable%. Variable names are case sensitive, and property names are, by convention, defined in CamelCase.

Properties are extracted as the following types:
This file is generated for %Name%, which is a %Color% %Shape%.
This file is generated for MyObject, which is a Red Triangle.

Standard properties defined in the PowerDesigner public metamodel (see The PowerDesigner Public Metamodel) are referenced using their public names, which are written in CamelCase. You can infer public names for many properties from their labels in object property sheets, but in case of doubt, click the Property Sheet Menu button at the bottom of the property sheet and select Find in Metamodel Objects Help to review all available properties for the object.

Extended attributes (see Extended Attributes (Profile)) are referenced by their Name defined in the resource editor.
Note: To access an extended attribute defined in another extension file attached to the model, prefix the name with the .D formatting option. For example: