Simple Physical Options

Simple physical options must contain a name, and may contain a %d, %s, or other variable to let the user specify a value, and keywords to specify permitted values and defaults.

Simple physical options are specified on a single line using the following syntax:

name [=] %s|%d|%variable% [: keywords]

Everything entered before the colon is generated in scripts. The name is required by PowerDesigner, but you can place it between carets (<name>) if you need to exclude it from the final script. The %d or %s variables require a numeric or string value, and you can also use a PowerDesigner variable or GTL snippet.
Physical Option Generates As
max_rows_per_page=%d max_rows_per_page=value
for instance %s for instance string
<Partition-name> %s name

You can insert a colon followed by comma-separated keywords to control your options:


Value and result


Allows the user to associate the object with an object of the specified kind. The following settings are available:

  • tablespace

  • storage

    Note: In Oracle, the storage composite physical option is used as a template to define all the storage values in a storage entry to avoid having to set values independently each time you need to re-use them same values in a storage clause. For this reason, the Oracle physical option does not include the storage name (%s).
  • qualified metaclass collection - For example: Model.Tables or Table.Columns

on %s : category=storage


Specifies a list of pipe-separated values permitted for the option.


Specifies a default value for the option.

dquoted=yes and squoted=yes

Specifies that the value is enclosed in double or single quotes.


Specifies that the option is displayed with a <*> suffix in the left pane of the Physical Options tab and can be added to the right pane as many times as necessary. If the option is selected in the right pane and you click the same option in the left pane to add it, a message box asks you if you want to reuse the selected option. If you click No, a second instance of the option is added to the right pane.


Specifies that the database name is inserted as a prefix (see tablespace options in DB2 OS/390).

prevmand=yes and nextmand=yes

Specifies that the previous or next physical option is required for the present option and that if the present option is added to the right pane, then the previous or next option is also added.


Physical Option Generates As
ccsid %s : list=ascii|ebcdic|unicode, default=ascii ccsid ascii
table=%s : category=Model.Tables, dquoted=yes table="table"
<flashback_archive> %s string