Manipulating the Repository (Scripting)

You can connect to the repository and check documents into and out of it by script and iterate on the latest versions of repository documents through the RepositoryConnection object. You can manage repository folders and branches and LDAP and SMTP servers and the repository password policy, but you cannot manipulate repository users and groups.

The following script opens a repository connection, creates a new PDM and checks it in, and then loops over the creation of tables, and further consolidations, before closing the connection:

Dim rc
Set rc = RepositoryConnection
Output "Before consolidation"
ListChildren rc
Dim NewModel
Set NewModel = CreateModel(PdPDM.Cls_Model, "|Language=SYASIQ1540")
NewModel.Name = "My PDM"
NewModel.ConsolidateNew rc
For i = 1 to 5
   For j = 1 to 5
Output "After consolidation"
ListChildren rc

Sub ListChildren(rc)
For each c in rc.ChildObjects
   Output c.Name & "(Modified: " & c.ModificationDateInRepository & ")"
End Sub

To check out a model, use the CheckOut method.

For detailed information about the members, collections, and methods available for scripting the repository, select Help > MetaModel Objects Help and navigate to Libraries/PdRMG.