GTL Syntax and Translation Errors

Error messages stop the generation of the file in which errors have been found, these errors are displayed in the Preview tab of the corresponding object property sheet.

Error messages have the following format:
target::catg-path full-template-name(line-number)
active-object-metaclass active-object-code):
	error-type error-message

You may encounter the following syntax errors:

Syntax error message

Description and correction

condition parsing error

Syntax error in a boolean expression

expecting .endif

.else with no matching .if

.endif with no matching .if

Add an .endif or .if (see .if Macro).

expecting .next

.next with no matching .foreach

Add an appropriate .next or .foreach to the collection block (for example, see .foreach_item Macro).

expecting .end%s

Add an appropriate .end to the macro block (for example, see .unique Macro).

.end%s with no matching .%s

Add an appropriate .macro to the .endmacro (for example, see .vbscript Macro).

missing or mismatched parentheses

Correct any mismatched parentheses.

unexpected parameters: extra-params

Remove any unnecessary parameters

unknown macro

Replace with a valid macro (see GTL Macro Reference).

.execute_command incorrect syntax

The correct syntax is displayed in the Preview tab, or in the Output window (see .execute_command Macro).

Change_dir incorrect syntax

See .change_dir and .create_path Macros.

convert_name incorrect syntax

convert_code incorrect syntax

See .convert_name and .convert_code Macros.

set_object incorrect syntax

set_value incorrect syntax

See .set_object, .set_value, and .unset Macros.

execute_vbscript incorrect syntax

See .execute_vbscript Macro.

Translation errors are evaluation errors on a variable when evaluating a template:

Translation error message

Description and correction

unresolved collection: collection

Unknown collection (see Accessing Collections of Sub-Objects or Related Objects).

unresolved member: member

null object

expecting object variable: object

Unknown member, null object member, or expecting a string instead of an object (see Extracting Object Properties).

no outer scope

Invalid use of the Outer keyword (see Translation Scope).

VBScript execution error

VB script error (see .vbscript Macro).

Deadlock detected

Deadlock due to an infinite loop.