Format Category

The Format category is located in the Root > Script > SQL category, and contains the following items that define script formatting:




Specifies that object codes are systematically enquoted during the generation. The following settings are available:

  • Yes – Quotes are systematically added to object codes during generation

  • No - Object codes are generated without quotes


Specifies if the case sensitivity for identifiers is managed using double quotes. Enable this option if the DBMS you are using needs double quotes to preserve the case of object codes.

Date and Time formats

See Date and Time Format.

EnableOwnerPrefix / EnableDtbsPrefix

Specifies that object codes can be prefixed by the object owner (%OWNER%), the database name (%DBPREFIX%), or both (%QUALIFIER%). The following settings are available:

  • Yes – enables the Owner Prefix and/or Database Prefix options in the Database Generation dialog to require one or both prefixes for objects.

  • No - The Owner Prefix and Database Prefix options are unavailable

Note: EnableOwnerPrefix enables the Ignore identifying owner model option for tables and views.


[generation only] Specifies invalid characters for names. If there is an illegal character in a Code, the code is set between quotes during generation.



If the name of the table is "SALES+PROFITS", the generated create statement will be:


Double quotes are placed around the table name to indicate that an invalid character is used. During reverse engineering, any illegal character is considered as a separator unless it is located within a quoted name.

LowerCaseOnly / UpperCaseOnly

When generating a script, all objects are generated in lowercase or uppercase independently of the model Naming Conventions and the PDM codes. The following settings are available:

  • Yes - Forces all generated script characters to lowercase or uppercase.

  • No - Generates all scripts unchanged from the way objects are written in the model.

Note: These items are mutually exclusive. If both are enabled, the script is generated in lowercase.


Specifies the maximum length of a script line.