Displaying an Object Symbol by Script

You can display objects symbol in a diagram using the following methods:


If not ExistingModel Is Nothing and not MyRealization Is Nothing Then
 ' Symbols are specific kind of objects that can be manipulated by script
 ' We are now going to display the class, interface and realization in the
 ' main diagram of the model and customize their presentation
 ' Retrieve main diagram
 Dim MyDiag
 Set MyDiag = ExistingModel.DefaultDiagram
 If not MyDiag is Nothing and MyDiag.IsKindOf(PdOOM.Cls_ClassDiagram) Then
  ' Display the class, interface shortcut and realization link in the diagram
  ' using default positions and display preferences
  Dim MyClassSym, MyIntfSym, MyRlzsSym
  Set MyClassSym = MyDiag.AttachObject(FoundClass)
  Set MyIntfSym  = MyDiag.AttachObject(IntfShct)
  Set MyRlzsSym  = MyDiag.AttachLinkObject(MyRealization, MyClassSym, MyIntfSym)
  If not MyRlzsSym is Nothing Then
   output "Objects have been successfully displayed in diagram"
  End If
  ' Another way to do the same is the use of AttachAllObjects() method:
  ' MyDiag.AttachAllObjects
  ' Changes class symbol format
  If not MyClassSym is nothing Then
   MyClassSym.BrushStyle = 1 ' Solid background (no gradient)
   MyClassSym.FillColor = RGB(255, 126, 126) ' Red background color
   MyClassSym.LineColor = RGB(0, 0, 0) ' Black line color
   MyClassSym.LineWidth = 2 ' Double line width
   Dim Fonts
   Fonts = "ClassStereotype " + CStr(RGB(50, 50, 126)) + " Arial,8,I"
   Fonts = Fonts + vbCrLf + "DISPNAME " + CStr(RGB(50, 50, 50)) + " Arial,12,B"
   Fonts = Fonts + vbCrLf + "ClassAttribute " + CStr(RGB(150, 0, 0)) + " Arial,8,N"
   MyClassSym.FontList = Fonts ' Change font list
  End If
  ' Changes interface symbol position
  If not MyIntfSym is nothing Then
   Dim IntfPos
   Set IntfPos = MyIntfSym.Position
   If not IntfPos is Nothing Then
    IntfPos.x = IntfPos.x + 5000
    IntfPos.y = IntfPos.y + 5000
    MyIntfSym.Position = IntfPos
    Set IntfPos = Nothing
   End If
  End If
  ' Changes the link symbol corners
  If not MyRlzsSym is Nothing Then
   Dim CornerList, Point1, Point2
   Set CornerList = MyRlzsSym.ListOfPoints
   Set Point1 = CornerList.Item(0)
   Set Point2 = CornerList.Item(1)
   CornerList.InsertPoint 1, Max(Point1.x, Point2.x), Min(Point1.y, Point2.y)
   Set CornerList = Nothing
   ' Max and Min are functions defined at end of this script
  End If
  ' Release the variables
  Set MyDiag = Nothing
  Set MyClassSym = Nothing
  Set MyIntfSym = Nothing
  Set MyRlzsSym = Nothing
 End If
End If