.convert_name and .convert_code Macros

These macros convert the object name to its code (or vice versa).

Use the following syntax to convert a name to a code:

.convert_name (expression[,"separator"[,"separator_pattern"],case])

Use the following syntax to convert a code to a name:

.convert_code (expression[,"separator"[,"separator_pattern"]])

The following parameters are available:




Specifies the text to be converted. For .convert_name, this is generally the %Name% variable and may include a suffix or prefix.

Type: Simple template


[optional] Character generated each time a separator declared in pattern-separator is found in the code. For example, "_" (underscore).

Type: Text


[optional] Declaration of the different separators likely to exist in a code, and which will be replaced by separator. You can declare several separators, for example "_ " and "-"

Type: Text


[optional for .convert_name only] Specifies the case into which to convert the code. You can choose between:
  • firstLowerWord - First word in lowercase, first letters of subsequent words in uppercase
  • FirstUpperChar - First character of all words in uppercase
  • lower_case - All words in lowercase and separated by an underscore
  • UPPER_CASE - All words in uppercase and separated by an underscore

In the following example, the .convert_name macro is added from the Profile\Column folder in a new Generated Files entry:

Note: These macros can also be used to perform conversions to apply naming conventions in your model. For more information, see Core Features Guide > The PowerDesigner Interface > Objects > Object Properties > Naming Conventions.