Using the Global Script

This section also applies for defining the script of a custom method, a calculated collection, an event handler, or a transformation.

The Global Script tab is used to store functions and static attributes that may be reused among different functions. This tab displays a library of available sub-functions.


In the Sybase AS IQ example, you could have a function called DataTypeBase that retrieves the data type of an item in order to further analyze it.

This function is defined as follows:

Function DataTypeBase(datatype)
 Dim position
 position = InStr(datatype, "(") 
 If position <> 0 Then
  DataTypeBase = Ucase(Left(datatype, position -1))
  DataTypeBase = Ucase(datatype)
 End If
End Function

In this case, this function only needs to be referenced in the check and autofix scripts:

Function %Check%(obj)
Dim c 'temporary  index column
 Dim col 'temporary column
 Dim position
 %Check%= True
 If obj.type = "LF" or obj.type = "HG" or obj.type = "CMP" or obj.type ="HNG" then
  For Each c In obj.IndexColumns
   Set col = c.column
   If (DataTypeBase(col.datatype) = "VARCHAR") And (col.length > 255) Then
    Output "Table " & & " Column " & & " : Data type is not compatible with Index " & & " type " & obj.type
    %Check% = False
   End If
 End If
End Function

Global Variables

You can also declare global variables in the Global Script. These variables are reinitialized each time you run the custom check.