Navigating in the Metamodel

You can use the Browser to expand and collapse the packages in order to explore their contents. Double-click a diagram to display it in the canvas.

Each diagram shows classes that relate to each other via associations and generalizations. Each class has a name (the public name) and is described by zero or more attributes. It may assume various roles in associations with other classes. Many associations display their roles which makes it possible to identify object collections (see Metamodel concepts).

Classes in green are classes whose behavior is explained in the current diagram, while classes in purple are usually shortcuts of a class existing in another package, and are presented only to help in understanding the context. The shortcut makes it easier to read the diagram and understand the generalization links between classes. If you want to understand a purple class, right-click it and select Open Related Diagram from the contextual menu to open the diagram where the class is actually defined.

In the following example taken from PdCommon/Objects/Common Instantiable Objects, BusinessRule (in green) is developed, while NamedObject and BaseModel are present only to express inheritance and composition links with abstract classes.

Double-click any class to show its property sheet. The Dependencies tab contains (among others) the following sub-tabs:

The Associations tab lists the migrated associations for the class.