Modifying a transaction group

To change values in an existing transaction group:

exec sgw_modtrngrp tran_group, GROUP_LOGIN,
  GROUP_PWD, langrpc, langpwdlevel



If the “TGROUP1” transaction group langpwdlevel is currently set to user, this isql example sets it to group:

exec sgw_modtrngrp TGROUP1, JOE, MOE, AMD2, group

The GROUP_LOGIN and GROUP_PWD are now set to “JOE” and “MOE,” respectively. The language RPC remains AMD2, and the langpwdlevel is now group. If langpwdlevel is the only parameter value you are changing, enter:

exec sgw_modtrnprp TGROUP1,,,,group

The commas serve as placeholders for the unchanged parameters.