Installing Auditing

By default, the Adaptive Server auditing feature is not installed.

For more information about auditing, see the Security Administration Guide.

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Start the isql program as user “sa”:
    isql -Usa -Ppassword -Sserver_name 
  3. Determine the next available device number to use for the auditing device.
    For the auditing database itself:
    1> declare @devno int
    2> select @devno = max(low/16777216)+1 from sysdevices
    3> disk init
    4> name = "auditdev",
    5> physname = "%SYBASE%\data\sybaud.dat",
    6> vdevno = @devno,
    7> size = 5120
    8> go
    For the auditing database log:
    1> declare @devno int
    2> select @devno = max(low/16777216)+1 from sysdevices
    3> disk init
    4> name = "auditlogdev",
    5> physname = "%SYBASE%\data\sybaudlg.dat",
    6> vdevno = @devno, 
    7> size = 1024
    8> go
  4. At the isql prompt, use the disk init command to create the auditing devices.
  5. Create the auditing database:
    1> create database sybsecurity on auditdev
    2> log on auditlogdev
    3> go
  6. Exit isql:
  7. Change to the scripts directory:
    cd %SYBASE%\ASE-15_0\scripts
  8. Set the DSQUERY environment variable:
    set DSQUERY = server_name
  9. Start the isql program as user “sa” with the instsecu script as the input file:
    isql -Usa -Ppassword -Sserver_name -iinstsecu
  10. Restart Adaptive Server.
After auditing is installed, no auditing occurs until a system administrator or system security officer enables auditing with the auditing system procedures. See the Security Administration Guide.