Creating a Response File by Recording a Console Installation

Create a response file for installing Replication Agent by recording your responses to a console installation.

  1. Log in to the Replication Agent host machine using an operating system user account with authority to start, stop, and administer the Replication Agent instance (for example, the “sybase” user).
  2. Close all nonessential applications, and minimize any open windows.
  3. Insert the Replication Agent 15.6 media in the appropriate drive.

    On Microsoft Windows, when the installation program starts automatically, click Cancel.

  4. Open an operating system command window, and set the media drive as the current drive.
  5. Invoke the installation program wizard at the command prompt, using the -r option:
    • On Microsoft Windows:
      setupConsole.exe -r responseFileName -i console
      where responseFileName is the full path to the response file you want to create, for example, C:\RAX\ResponseFile.txt.
    • On UNIX:
      ./setup.bin -r responseFileName -i console
      where responseFileName is the full path to the response file you want to create, for example, /home/sybase/RAX/ResponseFile.txt.

    The installation program starts in console mode, and captures all of the prompt responses in a file with the name you specify.

    In the event of an installation error, exit the installation program wizard to correct the cause of the error, then restart the installation program.

Related tasks
Installing Replication Agent with the GUI Wizard
Displaying Debug Information