Installation troubleshooting

If you encounter errors during installation, invoke the installation program wizard with the -is:log option to record the installation errors in a log file. After the wizard runs, check the log file to view a record of the installation process.

You can record installation errors with the installation program wizard in either GUI or console mode (with or without a response file), and in silent mode.

Use the following procedure to record an installation log file with the installation program wizard in GUI mode.

StepsTo record an installation log file

  1. Log in to the Replication Agent host machine using an operating system user account with authority to start, stop, and administer the Replication Agent instance (for example, the “sybase” user).

  2. Close all non-essential applications, and minimize any open windows.

  3. Insert the Replication Agent 15.1 distribution CD in the CD-ROM drive.

    NoteIf the installation program GUI wizard starts automatically on a Microsoft Windows platform, click Cancel to exit the GUI wizard.

  4. Open an operating system command window, and set the CD-ROM drive as the current drive.

  5. Invoke the installation program wizard at the command prompt, using the -is:log option:

    • On Microsoft Windows:

      setup -log # @ALL -is:log RAX_err.log

      where RAX_err.log is the full path to the installation error log file you want to create.

    • On UNIX:

      ./setup -log # @ALL -is:log RAX_err.log

      where RAX_err.log is the full path to the installation error log file you want to create.

    NoteYou can use the -is:log option, along with the -console or -silent options, to record an installation log file in non-GUI wizard modes.

  6. Follow the wizard prompts to install the Replication Agent software.

    See “Installing with the GUI wizard” for a description of all of the wizard prompts.

    The installation program attempts to install the software, and creates an installation log file with the name you specified.

  7. After the wizard exits, examine the contents of the installation log file and the log.txt file is in the installation directory to determine the cause of the errors.