Secure Sockets Layer

The Replication Agents for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM DB2 UDB support the use of the secure sockets layer (SSL) for connections to and from Replication Agent instances.

The SSL protocol runs above TCP/IP and below application protocols such as remote method invocation (RMI) or Tabular Data Streamâ„¢ (TDS). SSL is supported for connection with the execption of the connection to the RSSD.

As a client, a Replication Agent instance can use SSL in connecting to servers, including: The Replication Agent administrator and client applications can use SSL to encrypt connections to Replication Agent.
Replication Agent does not support SSL to the RSSD.
Note: The Replication Agent connectivity to the RSSD can be disabled. The Replication Agent connectivity to the RSSD is only for informational purposes intended to improve the replication performance.

See the Replication Agent Reference Manual.