Interfaces File Entries

In general, Open Client applications (such as isql) require an interfaces file to identify available servers, host machines, and client ports. On Windows, the interfaces file is named sql.ini; on UNIX, the interfaces file is named interfaces.

To connect Open Client applications to the Replication Agent administration port as they would connect to any other Open Server application, create a server entry for the Replication Agent in the interfaces file on the Open Client application host machine.

A server entry for a Replication Agent administration port in an interfaces file appears:
For example, to specify an interfaces file entry for a Replication Agent instance named “my_ra,” using the Windows socket protocol, on a host named “my_host,” with client socket port number 10002, add these lines to the interfaces file:

Some systems require the interfaces file to be in the TLI form. If your system does, you must use a utility (such as sybtli or dsedit) that edits the interfaces file and saves the result in a form compatible with TLI.

After you create an entry for the Replication Agent instance in the interfaces file, you can connect to the administration port using any Open Client application that uses that interfaces file.