
Administers Replication Agent instances.


ra_admin [option [create options]] [inst_name]


  • -b – Returns the complete path of the Replication Agent installation directory.
  • -c inst_name – Creates a new Replication Agent instance using the specified name (inst_name).

    The inst_name string must be a valid server name, and unique on the host machine.

    When you use the -c option, one of these options is required:
    • -p and -t, or

      -p , -t, -uid, and -pwd.

    • -p and -f.

    When you use the -f option to copy an existing Replication Agent configuration, you need not specify the -t option. The primary database type specified for the existing Replication Agent instance is copied to the configuration of the new Replication Agent instance when you specify the -f option.

  • -h – Returns command usage information.
  • -p port_num – Specifies a client socket port number for the administration port of the Replication Agent instance.

    The port_num must be a valid port number and unique on the Replication Agent host machine. Replication Agent also requires that a second port, port_num+1, must be available for the RASD.

  • -reset inst_name -uid username -pwd new_pwd – Resets the Replication Agent administrator password to a new value. where:
    • inst_name is the name of the Replication Agent instance.
    • username is the Replication Agent administrator user name.
    • new_pwd is a new password that complies with the password security requirements.
  • -t database – Identifies the type of data server that the primary database resides in.
    The database string must be one of:
    • oracle – Oracle database server

    • mssql – Microsoft SQL Server

    • ibmudb – IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

    Note: The database value is not case-sensitive.

    When you use -c, you can specify the configuration of the new Replication Agent instance to be based on the configuration file for an existing Replication Agent instance. To do this, use the -f option.

  • -f old_inst – Copies the configuration of an existing Replication Agent instance for a new Replication Agent instance.

    The old_inst string is the name of the existing Replication Agent instance whose configuration you want to copy for the new Replication Agent instance.

    When you use the -f option to copy an existing Replication Agent configuration, you need not specify the -t option. The primary database type specified for the existing Replication Agent instance is copied to the configuration of the new Replication Agent instance when you specify the -f option.

    Note: When you use the -f option, some configuration parameters are set to default values.
  • -d inst_name – Deletes a specified Replication Agent instance.

    The inst_name string must be the name of an existing Replication Agent instance.

    When you invoke ra_admin with the -d option, the utility deletes all of the subdirectories associated with the specified instance from the Replication Agent installation directory.

    Note: On Windows platforms, if any application is accessing a file or directory associated with a Replication Agent instance when you delete the instance, the open file or directory is not deleted. An error message informs you of the file or directory not deleted.
    To finish deleting a Replication Agent instance after a file or directory access conflict on a Microsoft Windows platform, you must:
    • Verify that the file or directory is not open in any application

    • Manually delete the file or directory

  • -l (lowercase L) – Lists all verifiable Replication Agent instances.
  • -v inst_name – Verifies the complete directory structure for a specified Replication Agent instance. The inst_name string must be the name of an existing Replication Agent instance.
  • -vr res_file – Validates the specified resource file (res_file), without creating a Replication Agent instance or making any change in the environment.
  • -r res_file – Creates a Replication Agent instance, based on the contents of the specified resource file (res_file).
  • -u upgrade_option – Upgrades a Replication Agent instance based on the specified upgrade option (upgrade_option):
    • source_installation_dir – upgrade all instances of Replication Agent in the specified source installation directory from the current product installation directory.

    • source_instance_dir – upgrade one instance of Replication Agent in the specified source instance directory from the current product installation directory. The instance is first copied to and then updated within the current product installation directory.

    • all – upgrade all instances of Replication Agent within the current product installation directory. The configuration files are backed up before the upgrade for use in error recovery, if required. If an error occurs, the upgrade is rolled back.

      The all option requires relatively less space because upgrades are performed directly on instances within the current product installation directory, not to copies. However, reversing an upgrade is more difficult for the same reason.

    • instance_name |instance= instance_name – upgrade only the specified instance in the current product installation directory. The upgrade is performed directly on the specified instance, not to a copy. The configuration file is backed up before the upgrade for use in error recovery, if required. If an error occurs, the upgrade is rolled back.

  • -uid ra_username – Creates a new administrator login name you want to use for this Replication Agent instance.
  • -pwd ra_password – Sets the password for the new administrator login.
  • -i instance_name -k – Clears the ra_random configuration property value. The Replication Agent generates a new ra_random value and a new instance-encryption-key entry after a restart.


Note: Set the SYBASE environment before you invoke the Replication Agent ra_admin utility.
The Replication Agent ra_admin utility:
  • Creates, copies, deletes, and verifies Replication Agent instances.

  • Lists all valid Replication Agent instances on the Replication Agent host machine.

  • Returns the path of the Replication Agent installation directory.

  • Creates an output file in the $SYBASE/RAX-15_5/admin_logs directory. The format of the file name is adminmmddyyyy_hhmmss.log, where mmddyyy and hhmmss are the current date and time.

  • Upgrades Replication Agent instances.

To reset the Replication Agent administrator login password with the reset keyword, you must stop the Replication Agent instance, and it may be necessary to kill the process.

To run ra_admin, invoke it as a command at the operating system prompt.

Note: You can also invoke ra_admin with no option specified to return command usage information.