
Runs Replication Agent as a Windows Service.


[-install inst_name [-startup state] [-charset charset] [-maxmem mem] ] | 
[-remove inst_name ] | 
[-start inst_name ] |
[-stop inst_name ] |


  • -install inst_name – Specifies a Replication Agent instance for which to create a Windows service, where inst_name is the name of an existing Replication Agent instance.
  • -startup state – (Optional) Specifies a start-up state for the Replication Agent instance.
    Valid -startup state values are:
    • -admin – (Default) starts the Replication Agent instance in Admin state.

    • -replicate – starts the Replication Agent instance in Replicating state.

  • -charset charset – (Optional) Java character that the JVM uses. This option corresponds to the RA_JAVA_DFLT_CHARSET environment variable.
  • -maxmem mem – (Optional) maximum amount of memory that this Replication Agent instance uses. This option corresponds to the RA_JAVA_MAX_MEM environment variable.
  • -remove inst_name – Specifies a Replication Agent instance for which to remove a Windows service, where inst_name is the name of an existing Replication Agent instance.
  • -start inst_name – Specifies a Replication Agent instance for which to start a Windows service, where inst_name is the name of an existing Replication Agent instance.
  • -stop inst_name – Specifies a Replication Agent instance for which to stop a Windows service, where inst_name is the name of an existing Replication Agent instance.
  • -h inst_name – Returns command usage information.


  • Example 1 – Creates a Windows service for a Replication Agent instance named “my_ra” in Replicating state:
    agt_service -install my_ra -startup replicate
  • Example 2 – Removes a Windows service for a Replication Agent instance named “my_ra”:
    agt_service -remove my_ra
  • Example 3 – Starts a Windows service for a Replication Agent instance named “my_ra”:
    agt_service -start my_ra
  • Example 4 – Stops a Windows service for a Replication Agent instance named “my_ra”:
    agt_service -stop my_ra


Use agt_service:
  • Create a Windows Service to run a specified Replication Agent instance

  • Remove a Windows Service instance running a Replication Agent instance

  • Start a Windows service, thereby starting the corresponding Replication Agent instance

  • Stop a Windows service, thereby stopping the corresponding Replication Agent instance

To run agt_service, invoke it as a command at the operating system prompt.