Forcing Replication Agent deinitialization

When you invoke the pdb_xlog command with the remove keyword, Replication Agent creates the partdeinit.sql script. When Replication Agent executes this script successfully, all Replication Agent objects are removed from the primary database.

In the event that the partdeinit.sql script fails for some reason, some Replication Agent objects may be removed from the primary database and some Replication Agent objects may remain.

NoteIf errors cause a script execution failure, refer to your primary database error logs and the Replication Agent system log to evaluate the errors and determine if any corrective action is necessary.

To finish removing Replication Agent objects after a script execution failure, invoke the pdb_xlog command with the remove keyword, followed by the force keyword:

pdb_xlog remove, force

When you use the force keyword, Replication Agent continues executing the partdeinit.sql script, even when errors are encountered, until the script is finished.