Enabling and disabling replication for DDL

NoteDDL replication is available only for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. See the Replication Agent Primary Database Guide for more information on the DDL commands that are not replicated.

Before you enable DDL replication, you must set the ddl_username and ddl_password configuration parameters to the user name that Replication Server uses at the replicate database when executing the DDL commands. This user name must be different from the maintenance user that was configured in the Replication Server replicate connection. For details, see the Replication Agent Reference Manual.

If you need to temporarily suspend replication of DDL, you can use the pdb_setrepddl command to disable replication of DDL. When you are ready to resume replication of DDL, you can use the pdb_setrepddl command to enable replication.

When you set the value of pdb_setrepddl to enable, DDL in your primary database is replicated, with exceptions as described in the Replication Agent Primary Database Guide.

NoteTo replicate DDL, Replication Server must have a database-level replication definition with replicate DDL set in the definition. For details on creating a database-level replication definition, see the Replication Agent Reference Manual.