Table Names and Owners

The demo database includes data and utility tables.

Tables in the demo database are delineated by ownership. Most of the SQL examples in this document require access to GROUPO tables as a minimum.


GROUPO tables contain internal information about a fictional company that sells athletic clothing. Sample data includes information about the company (employees, departments, and financial data) as well as product information (products) and sales information (sales orders, customers, and contacts).

GroupO Table Names
Name Description
Contacts Customer contacts and sales leads.
Customers Customer names and addresses.
Departments Company departments, such as manager and name.
Employees Employee information, such as name, salary, and location.
FinancialCodes Each expense and revenue item has a financial code.
FinancialData Quarter-by-quarter financial information about the company.
Products Product information, such as price and quantity available.
SalesOrderItems Sales order items. Each order consists of one or more items. Information about sales order items is held in a separate table.
SalesOrders Individual sale orders, including customer ID, OrderDate, FinancialCode, Region, and SalesRepresentative.

DBA-Owned Tables

Tables owned by the DBA include utility and sample data tables. Access requires either the SELECT ANY TABLE system privilege or SELECT privilege on the DBA-owned table.

DBA-Owned Table Names



iq_dummy is a one-row, one-column utility table that you can use to extract information from the database. For example, running the NOW() function against iq_dummy returns the current date and time:

SELECT NOW() FROM iq_dummy

Use of the DUMMY system table in SAP Sybase IQ is implied for all queries that do not have a FROM clause.

emp1 Sample employee table that includes dept_id, start_date, name, and salary columns.
sale Sample sales table that includes prod_id, month_num, rep_id, and sales columns.


SYSOPTIONDEFAULTS is a utility table owned by DBO that contains all SAP Sybase IQ option names and values. You can query this table to see all default option values.

Note: The demo database is case-insensitive. This means that case is not considered in comparison and string operations. For example, you can type user IDs and passwords in either uppercase or lowercase when using the demo database. Note that, unlike the demo database, any SAP Sybase IQ databases you create are case-sensitive by default.