Windows Client Connections

To run the sample queries on Windows, start the Sybase Central network client, and connect to the demo database.

Ask your DBA or System Administrator to:
  • Install the Sybase IQ Client Suite on your workstation.
  • Create and start the demo database. The demo database is installed as part of the Sybase IQ Server Suite. Instructions for starting iqdemo.db appear in the Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • Create an account that allows you to access the demo database. To recreate the sample queries, your account must include the authority to access GROUPO tables.
  1. Click Start > Programs > Sybase > Sybase Central.
  2. Close the Tips and Welcome windows, if necessary.
  3. Click Connections > Connect with Sybase IQ 15.
  4. On the Connection dialog, enter:
    Field Value



    User ID

    DBA or dba (case-insensitive)


    sql (case-sensitive)


    Connect to a running database on another computer

  5. From the Server Name box, click Find.
  6. Choose <localhost>_iqdemo from the Servers dialog.
    This document uses the placeholder, <localhost> to identify the host. When you see this placeholder in any instruction, substitute your host name.
  7. Click Connect.