Adding a User to the Demo Database

Use the Create User Wizard to add a new sales person with Sales access permission.

  1. Right-click Users & Groups, point to New, choose User.
  2. Name the new user, “Sales person” then click Next.
  3. Click the Enable Password box.
  4. In the Password box, type an appropriate password, then re-type the password in the Confirm password box, click Next.

    If you click the Require a new password to be specified at next login box, Sybase Central prompts the user to choose a new password the first time that user logs in.

  5. Choose Sales access as the login policy, click Next.
  6. Choose the authorities you want to assign, click Next.

    See “Database permissions and authorities overview” in SQL Anywhere documentation in SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 > SQL Anywhere Server - Database Administration > Configuring Your Database > Managing user IDs, authorities, and permissions.

  7. Type an appropriate comment in the comment box and click Finish.