Presents group information from ISYSIQDBSPACE in a readable format.

Column Name Column Type Description
dbspace_id small int Each dbspace in a database is assigned a unique number (dbspace ID)
last_modified timestamp Time at which the dbspace's read-write status was last modified
segment_type char(8) Segment type: Main, Temp or Msg
read_write char(1) 'T' – read writable; 'F' – read only
online char(1) 'T' – online; 'F' – offline
create_txn_id unsigned bigint Transaction ID that create the dbspace
alter_txn_id unsigned bigint Transaction ID that last modified read_write status
striping_on char(1) 'T' – disk striping on; 'F' – disk striping off
stripe_size_kb unsigned int Number of kilobytes written to each file of the dbspace before the disk striping algorithm moves to the next dbfile
is_rlv_store char(1) 'T' – dbspace is a RLV store dbspace; 'F' – dbspace is a MIN, SHARED_TEMP, or TEMPORARY store dbspace.

Constraints on underlying system table:

Primary key (dbspace_id)

Foreign key (dbspace_id) references SYS.ISYSDBSPACE(dbspace_id)