sp_iqbackupdetails Procedure

Shows all the dbfiles included in a particular backup.


sp_iqbackupdetails  backup_id 


Note: You can obtain the backup_id value from the SYSIQBACKUPHISTORY table by executing the query:
select * from sysiqbackuphistory


You must have EXECUTE privilege on the system procedure.


sp_iqbackupdetails returns:

sp_iqbackupdetails Columns
Column Name Description
backup_id Identifier for the backup transaction.
backup_time Time of the backup.
backup_type Type of backup: “Full,” “Incremental since incremental,” or “Incremental since full.”
selective_type Subtype of backup: "All inclusive," "All RW files in RW dbspaces," "Set of RO dbspace/file."
depends_on_id Identifier for previous backup that the backup depends on.
dbspace_id Identifier for the dbspace being backed up.
dbspace_name Name of the dbspace from SYSIQBACKUPHISTORYDETAIL. If dbspace name matches the dbspace name in SYSDBSPACE for a given dbspace_id. Otherwise “null.”
dbspace_rwstatus “ReadWrite” or “Read Only.”
dbspace_createid Dbspace creation transaction identifier.
dbspace_alterid Alter DBSPACE read-write mode transaction identifier.
dbspace_online Status “Online” or “Offline.”
dbspace_size Size of dbspace, in KB, at time of backup.
dbspace_backup_size Size of data, in KB, backed up in the dbspace.
dbfile_id Identifier for the dbfile being backed up.
dbfile_name The logical file name, if it was not renamed after the backup operation. If renamed, “null.”
dbfile_rwstatus “ReadWrite” or “Read Only.”
dbfile_createid Dbfile creation transaction identifier.
dbfile_alterid Alter DBSPACE alter FILE read-write mode transaction identifier
dbfile_size in MB Size of the dbfile, in MB.
dbfile_backup_size Size of the dbfile backup, in KB.
dbfile_path The dbfile path from SYSBACKUPDETAIL, if it matches the physical file path (“file_name”) in SYSDBFILE for a given dbspace_id and the dbfile_id. Otherwise “null.”


Sample output from sp_iqbackupdetails:

backup_id   backup_time             backup_type   selective_type   depends_on_id   
      883   2008-09-23 13:58:49.0   Full          All inclusive                0

dbspace_id   dbspace_name   dbspace_rwstatus   dbspace_createid
         0   system         ReadWrite                         0

dbspace_alterid   dbspace_online dbspace_size dbspace_backup_size dbfile_id
              0                0         2884                2884         0

dbfile_name dbfile_rwstatus dbfile_createid dbfile_alterid dbfile_size
     system        ReadWrite                 0               0       2884
dbfile_backup_size dbfile_path  
             2884  C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\SybaseIQ\\demo\\iqdemo.db
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