Numeric Functions

Numeric functions perform mathematical operations on numerical data types or return numeric information.

SAP Sybase IQ does not have the same constants or data type promotions as SQL Anywhere, with which it shares a common user interface. If you issue a SELECT statement without a FROM clause, the statement is passed through to SQL Anywhere. For the most consistent results, include the table name in the FROM clause whether you need it or not.

Note: Consider creating a dummy table to use in such cases.
Related reference
ABS Function [Numeric]
ACOS Function [Numeric]
ASIN Function [Numeric]
ATAN Function [Numeric]
ATAN2 Function [Numeric]
CEIL Function [Numeric]
CEILING Function [Numeric]
COS Function [Numeric]
COT Function [Numeric]
DEGREES Function [Numeric]
EXP Function [Numeric]
FLOOR Function [Numeric]
LN Function [Numeric]
LOG Function [Numeric]
LOG10 Function [Numeric]
MOD Function [Numeric]
PI Function [Numeric]
POWER Function [Numeric]
RADIANS Function [Numeric]
RAND Function [Numeric]
REMAINDER Function [Numeric]
ROUND Function [Numeric]
SIGN Function [Numeric]
SIN Function [Numeric]
SQRT Function [Numeric]
SQUARE Function [Numeric]
TAN Function [Numeric]
TRUNCNUM Function [Numeric]
WIDTH_BUCKET Function [Numerical]