SYSREMOTEUSERS consolidated view

Each row of the SYSREMOTEUSERS view describes a user ID with the REMOTE system privilege (a subscriber), together with the status of messages that were sent to and from that user.

The tables and columns that make up this view are provided in the SQL statement below. To learn more about a particular table or column, use the links provided beneath the view definition.

ALTER VIEW "SYS"."SYSREMOTEUSERS" AS SELECT u.user_name, r.consolidate, t.type_name, r.address, r.frequency, r.send_time,  
(if r.frequency = 'A' then NULL   
else if r.frequency = 'P' then 
if r.time_sent IS NULL then CURRENT TIMESTAMP 
else (select min( minutes( dateadd(mi, PROPERTY('TimeZoneAdjustment'), a.time_sent),      
60*hour(a.send_time) + minute( seconds( a.send_time, 59 ) ) ) )      
FROM SYS.ISYSREMOTEUSER a WHERE a.frequency = 'P' AND a.send_time = r.send_time ) endif 
else if CURRENT DATE + r.send_time > coalesce( dateadd(mi, PROPERTY('TimeZoneAdjustment'), r.time_sent), CURRENT TIMESTAMP) 
then CURRENT DATE + r.send_time 
else CURRENT DATE + r.send_time + 1        
endif   endif  endif) as next_send, r.log_send ,  
dateadd(mi, PROPERTY('TimeZoneAdjustment'), r.time_sent) 
as time_sent , r.log_sent, r.confirm_sent, r.send_count, r.resend_count,  
dateadd(mi, PROPERTY('TimeZoneAdjustment'), r.time_received) as time_received , 
r.log_received, r.confirm_received, r.receive_count, r.rereceive_count ,  
TODATETIMEOFFSET( r.time_sent, 0 ) as time_sent_utc ,  
TODATETIMEOFFSET( r.time_received, 0 ) as time_received_utc  
FROM SYS.ISYSREMOTEUSER r JOIN SYS.ISYSUSER u ON ( u.user_id = r.user_id ) JOIN SYS.ISYSREMOTETYPE t ON ( t.type_id = r.type_id )