SYSCOLPERM system view

The GRANT statement can give UPDATE, SELECT, or REFERENCES privileges to individual columns in a table. Each column with UPDATE, SELECT, or REFERENCES privileges is recorded in one row of the SYSCOLPERM system view. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSCOLPERM.

Column name Data type Description
table_id UNSIGNED INT The table number for the table containing the column.
grantee UNSIGNED INT The user number of the user ID that is given privilege on the column. If the grantee the PUBLIC role, the privilege is given to all user IDs.
grantor UNSIGNED INT The user number of the user ID that grants the privilege.
column_id UNSIGNED INT This column number, together with the table_id, identifies the column for which privilege has been granted.
privilege_type SMALLINT The number in this column indicates the kind of column privilege (16=REFERENCES, 1=SELECT, or 8=UPDATE).
is_grantable CHAR(1) Indicates if the privilege on the column was granted WITH GRANT OPTION.

Constraints on underlying system table

PRIMARY KEY (table_id, grantee, grantor, column_id, privilege_type)
FOREIGN KEY (table_id, column_id) REFERENCES SYS.ISYSTABCOL (table_id, column_id)