The SYSROLEGRANTS system view is the same as the SYSROLEGRANT system view but includes two additional columns: the name of the role (not just the role ID) and the name of the grantee (not just user ID).

Column name Data type Description
grant_id UNSIGNED INT A unique identifier for each grant statement issued.
role_id UNSIGNED INT The unique identifier for the role granted to a user (as defined in the ISYSUSER table).
role_name CHAR(128) The name of the role corresponding to the role_id value.
grantee UNSIGNED INT The unique identifier for the user granted the role.
grantee_name CHAR(128) The name of the grantee corresponding to the grantee value.
grant_type TINYINT Identifies how the role and its underlying privileges were granted. Values include:
  • 1 - Underlying privileges are granted with no administrative rights and no privilege inheritance.
    Note: This value is applicable to all legacy, non-inheritable roles EXCEPT SYS_AUTH_DBA_ROLE and SYS_AUTH_REMOVE_DBA_ROLE.
  • 3 - Underlying privileges are granted with administrative rights, but with no privilege inheritance.
    Note: This value is applicable only to the legacy, non-inheritable roles SYS_AUTH_DBA_ROLE and SYS_AUTH_REMOVE_DBA_ROLE.
  • 5 - Underlying privileges are granted with no administrative rights, but with privilege inheritance.
  • 6 - Only administrative rights to the underlying privileges are granted.
  • 7 - Underlying privilege are granted with administrative rights and privilege inheritance.
grant_scope TINYINT Defines the range to which the grant applies. Values include:
  • 1 - User list
  • 2 - Any users granted membership in the specified roles
  • 3 - All users
Note: This value is applicable to the SET USER and CHANGE PASSWORD system privileges only and can store be any valid combination of these values.
grantor CHAR (128) The unique identifier of the grantor of the role.