sp_iqsharedtempdistrib Procedure

Shows the current shared temp space usage distribution. If run from the coordinator, sp_iqsharedtempdistrib displays shared temp space distribution for all nodes. If run from a secondary node, displays shared temp space usage for only that node.

Shared temporary space is reserved for each node in the multiplex on demand. Space is reserved for a node in an allocation unit. Nodes can have multiple allocation units reserved based on their dynamic space demands. Allocation units are leased to allow nodes to use more space as needed and return the space to a global pool when not needed. Allocation units expire when space usage decreases and their lease time ends, or when a server shuts down.



Applies to

Multiplex only.


You must have EXECUTE privilege on the system procedure, as well as the MANAGE ANY DBSPACE system privilege.


Column Data Type Description
ServerID unsigned bigint Server ID of the multiplex server, from SYSIQMPXINFO.
DBSpaceName char(128) Name of the dbspace from which space is reserved.
UnitType char(10) Type of allocation unit. Valid values are:
  • Active – currently reserved and in use by the node.
  • Expired – reserved for the node but in transition back to the global space pool.
  • Quarantined – reserved for the node but quarantined due to node failure.
VersionID unsigned bigint Version ID of the unit. For active units, the version when the unit was reserved for the node. For expired units, the version when the unit was expired. For quarantined units, the version when the unit was quarantined.
NBlocks unsigned bigint Number of outstanding blocks in the unit.
Related reference
Determining the Security Model Used by a Database