Result Sets from Transact-SQL Procedures

SAP SQL Anywhere, SAP Sybase IQ procedures and Transact-SQL procedures return result sets differently.

SAP SQL Anywhere and SAP Sybase IQ use a RESULT clause to specify returned result sets.

In Transact-SQL procedures, column names or alias names of the first query are returned to the calling environment.

The following Transact-SQL procedure illustrates how Transact-SQL stored procedures return result sets:

CREATE PROCEDURE showdept (@deptname varchar(30))
	SELECT Employees.Surname, Employees.GivenName
	FROM Departments, Employees
	WHERE Departments.DepartmentName = @deptname
	AND Departments.DepartmentID = Employees.DepartmentID

The following is the corresponding SAP SQL Anywhere or SAP Sybase IQ procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE showdept(in deptname varchar(30))
RESULT ( lastname char(20), firstname char(20))
	SELECT Employees.Surname, Employees.GivenName
	FROM Departments, Employees
	WHERE Departments.DepartmentName = deptname
	AND Departments.DepartmentID = Employee.DepartmentID
There are minor differences in the way the client tools present multiple results to the client: