Presents group information from the ISYSPARTITIONS system table in a readable format

Each row in the SYSPARTITIONS view describes a partitioned object (table or index) in the database. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSPARTITIONS.
  as select * from SYS.ISYSPARTITIONS
Column Name Data Type Description
table_id unsigned int The object ID of the table to which the index corresponds.
partition_id unsigned int

Identifies a partition in a partitioned table.

partition_object_id unsigned bigint

Each table partition is an object itself and is assigned a unique number from the table object or index object.

partition_dbspace_id smallint Object ID of the dbspace where the the partition is located.
partition_values long varchar

Contains the upper bound for this range partition.

position unsigned int

Ordinal number of partition.

partition_name char(128)

Name of partition

Constraints on underlying system table:

primary key (partitioned_object_id, partition_id)

foreign key (partitioned_object_id) references SYS.ISYSOBJECT

foreign key (partition_object_id) references SYS.ISYSOBJECT