sp_iqdbstatistics Procedure

Reports results of the most recent sp_iqcheckdb.




Requires the ALTER DATABASE system privilege. Users without the ALTER DATABASE system privilege must be granted EXECUTE permission to run the stored procedure.


Displays the database statistics collected by the most recent execution of sp_iqcheckdb.


The following example shows the output from sp_iqdbstatistics. For this example, the most recent execution of sp_iqcheckdb was the command sp_iqcheckdb 'allocation database'.

            DB Statistics                     Value               Flags
DBCC Allocation Mode Report          |                           |
** DBCC Status                       |Errors Detected            |*****
   DBCC Work units Dispatched        |163                        |
   DBCC Work units Completed         |163                        |
Allocation Summary                   |                           | 
   Blocks Total                      |8192                       | 
   Blocks in Current Version         |4954                       | 
   Blocks in All Versions            |4954                       | 
   Blocks in Use                     |4986                       | 
   % Blocks in Use                   |60                         | 
** Blocks Leaked                     |32                         |*****
                                     |                           |
Allocation Statistics                |                           | 
   Blocks Created in Current TXN     |382                        | 
   Blocks To Drop in Current TXN     |382                        | 
   Marked Logical Blocks             |8064                       | 
   Marked Physical Blocks            |4954                       | 
   Marked Pages                      |504                        | 
   Blocks in Freelist                |126553                     | 
   Imaginary Blocks                  |121567                     | 
   Highest PBN in Use                |5432                       | 
** 1st Unowned PBN                   |452                        |*****
   Total Free Blocks                 |3206                       | 
   Usable Free Blocks                |3125                       | 
   % Free Space Fragmented           |2                          |
   Max Blocks Per Page               |16                         | 
   1  Block Page Count               |97                         | 
   3  Block Page Count               |153                        | 
   4  Block Page Count               |14                         | 
   9  Block Hole Count               |2                          | 
   16 Block Hole Count               |194                        | 
                                     |                           | 
   Database Objects Checked          |1                          | 
   B-Array Count                     |1                          | 
   Blockmap Identity Count           |1                          | 
Connection Statistics                |                           | 