Windowing Aggregate Function Usage

A major feature of the ISO/ANSI SQL extensions for OLAP is a construct called a window. This windowing extension let users divide result sets of a query (or a logical partition of a query) into groups of rows called partitions and determine subsets of rows to aggregate with respect to the current row.

You can use three classes of window functions with a window: ranking functions, the row numbering function, and window aggregate functions.

Windowing extensions specify a window function type over a window name or specification and are applied to partitioned result sets within the scope of a single query expression.

Windowing operations let you establish information such as the ranking of each row within its partition, the distribution of values in rows within a partition, and similar operations. Windowing also lets you compute moving averages and sums on your data, enhancing the ability to evaluate your data and its impact on your operations.

A window partition is a subset of rows returned by a query, as defined by one or more columns in a special OVER() clause:

OVER (PARTITION BY col1, col2...)

For information on analytical function support of the LONG BINARY and LONG VARCHAR data types, see Funtion Support in Unstructured Data Analytics.

Related reference
CORR Function [Aggregate]
COUNT Function [Aggregate]
EXP_WEIGHTED_AVG Function [Aggregate]
FIRST_VALUE Function [Aggregate]
GROUPING Function [Aggregate]
LAST_VALUE Function [Aggregate]
MAX Function [Aggregate]
MEDIAN Function [Aggregate]
MIN Function [Aggregate]
REGR_AVGX Function [Aggregate]
REGR_COUNT Function [Aggregate]
REGR_INTERCEPT Function [Aggregate]
REGR_R2 Function [Aggregate]
REGR_SLOPE Function [Aggregate]
REGR_SXX Function [Aggregate]
REGR_SXY Function [Aggregate]
REGR_SYY Function [Aggregate]
STDDEV Function [Aggregate]
SUM Function [Aggregate]
STDDEV_POP Function [Aggregate]
STDDEV_SAMP Function [Aggregate]
VAR_POP Function [Aggregate]
VAR_SAMP Function [Aggregate]
VARIANCE Function [Aggregate]
WEIGHTED_AVG Function [Aggregate]