JAVA_HOME Environment Variable

Defines the JRE home which points to directory containing bin/java.

Used if the location of the Java VM is not set in the $SYBASE_JRE6_32, $SYBASE_JRE6_64, or $SYBASE_JRE5_64 environment variables.

JAVA_HOME is commonly created when installing a VM.

On UNIX, run the SYBASE.csh (C shell) or (Bourne or Korn shell) environment source file to find and start the correct JRE for the IQ engine. The Java VM location specified in JAVA_HOME takes precedence over the location returned by SYBASE.csh or If neither JAVA_HOME nor the SYBASE.csh or scripts locate the Java VM, IQ will not load a Java VM.


JAVA_HOME = Sybase/shared/JRE<version>

Operating System
