IQDIR16 Environment Variable

IQDIR16 identifies the location of the SAP Sybase IQ directory and is the location for other directories and files under that directory.

  • $IQDIR16/bin[64]/util_db.ini holds the login ID and password for the utility database, utility_db. The installation program lets you change these from their default values, login ID “DBA” and password “sql.”

  • $IQDIR16/logfiles is the default location for the server log and backup/restore log (the backup history file). You can override this default by setting the IQLOGDIR16 environment variable.

  • $IQDIR16/demo is the location for the iqdemo database files.


IQDIR16 = ${SYBASE}/IQ-16_0

Operating System

(Required) Set by the environment source file or the installation program. This default setting can be changed on Windows.