SYSUSERAUTH compatibility view (deprecated)

Each row of the SYSUSERAUTH view describes a user, without exposing their user_id. Instead, each user is identified by their user name. Because this view displays passwords, you must have the SELECT ANY TABLE system privilege to view its data.

The SYSUSERAUTH view is provided for compatibility with older versions of the software. Use the SYSROLEGRANTS consolidated view instead.

The tables and columns that make up this view are provided in the SQL statement below. To learn more about a particular table or column, use the links provided beneath the view definition.

Note: Although the title of this view contains the word auth (for authorities), the security model is based on roles and privileges. The data in the view is therefore compiled using role information from the tables and views mentioned in the view definition.
  password,resourceauth,dbaauth,scheduleauth,user_group ) 
  as select SYSUSERPERM.user_name,SYSUSERPERM.password,SYSUSERPERM.resourceauth,SYSUSERPERM.dbaauth,SYSUSERPERM.scheduleauth,SYSUSERPERM.user_group