SYSSCHEDULE system view

Each row in the SYSSCHEDULE system view describes a time at which an event is to fire, as specified by the SCHEDULE clause of CREATE EVENT. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSSCHEDULE.

Column name Data type Description
event_id UNSIGNED INT The unique number assigned to each event.
sched_name VARCHAR(128) The name associated with the schedule for the event.
recurring TINYINT Indicates if the schedule is repeating.
start_time TIME The schedule start time.
stop_time TIME The schedule stop time if BETWEEN was used.
start_date DATE The first date on which the event is scheduled to execute.
days_of_week TINYINT

A bit mask indicating the days of the week on which the event is scheduled:

  • x01 = Sunday
  • x02 = Monday
  • x04 = Tuesday
  • x08 = Wednesday
  • x10 = Thursday
  • x20 = Friday
  • x40 = Saturday
days_of_month UNSIGNED INT

A bit mask indicating the days of the month on which the event is scheduled. Some examples include:

  • x01 = first day
  • x02 = second day
  • x40000000 = 31st day
  • x80000000 = last day of month
interval_units CHAR(10)

The interval unit specified by EVERY:

  • HH = hours
  • NN = minutes
  • SS = seconds
interval_amt INTEGER The period specified by EVERY.

Constraints on underlying system table

PRIMARY KEY (event_id, sched_name)