Presents information on the ISYSLDAPSERVER system table in a readable format.

The ISYSLDAPSERVER system table defines a set of attributes for the LDAP server.

Column name Column type Description
ldsrv_id UNSIGNED BIGINT NOT NULL A unique identifier for the LDAP server that is the primary key and is used by the login policy to refer to the LDAP server.
ldsrv_name CHAR(128) NOT NULL The name assigned to the LDAP server.
ldsrv_state CHAR(9) NOT NULL Read-only state of the LDAP server:





Note: A numeric value is stored in system table; a corresponding text value appears in the system view.
ldsrv_start_tls TINYINT NOT NULL Controls whether Transport Layer Security (TLS) is used to connect to the LDAP server. This provides encrypted communication for connections and searches with the LDAP server in conjunction with TRUSTED_CERITIFCATE_FILE.

Valid range: 1 (ON) or 0 (OFF).

Default value is 0 (OFF).

ldsrv_num_retries TINYINT NOT NULL Controls the number of authenticate attempts allowed with the LDAP server before returning a failure or initiating a failover (if specified).

Valid range: 1-60

Default value is 3.

ldsrv_timeout UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL Controls the timeout value (in milliseconds) for connections or searches.

Valid range: 1-3600000 (1 hour)

Default value is 10000.

ldsrv_last_state_change TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Indicates the time the last state change occurred. The value is stored in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), regardless of the local time zone of the LDAP server.
ldsrv_search_url CHAR(1024) NULL The LDAP URL to be used to find the Distinguished Name (DN) for a user based on their user ID.
ldsrv_auth_url CHAR(1024) NULL The LDAP search string to be used to find the DN for a user given their user ID.
ldsrv_access_dn CHAR(1024) NULL The DN used to access the LDAP server for searches to obtain the DN for a user ID.
ldsrv_access_dn_pwd VARBINARY(1024) NULL The password for the access account. The password is symmetrically encrypted when stored on disk.