A log entry is added for each row-level versioning (RLV) enabled-table each time a merge between the RLV store and the IQ main store begins. Log entries are updated when the merge is complete.

Column Name Column Type Description
merge_id unsigned bigint Unique log entry identifier
table_id unsigned int Foreign key to the sys.systable system table
start_time timestamp Time the merge started
end_time timestamp Time the merge ended
status char (9) STARTED | COMPLETED | FAILED
return_code tinyint SQL code of the merge once completed
merge_type char (9) The cause of the merge trigger:  AUTOMATIC | DML | DDL | SHUTDOWN | USER
merge_mode char (12) BLOCKING | NON-BLOCKING
merge_detail varchar (255) Additional information, if provided, such as error information
rows_inserted unsigned bigint Number of rows that were inserted as a result of the merge
rows_updated unsigned bigint Number of rows that were updated as a result of the merge
rows_deleted unsigned bigint Number of rows that were deleted as a result of the merge
rows_forwarded unsigned bigint Number of rows that were uncommitted at the time of the merge