sp_iqhelp Compatibility with Adaptive Server Enterprise

The Sybase IQ sp_iqhelp stored procedure is similar to the Adaptive Server Enterprise sp_help procedure, which displays information about any database object listed in the SYSOBJECTS system table and about system and user-defined data types.

Sybase IQ has some architectural differences from Adaptive Server in terms of types of objects supported and the namespace of objects. In Adaptive Server, all objects (tables, views, stored procedures, logs, rules, defaults, triggers, check constraints, referential constraints, and temporary objects) are stored in the SYSOBJECTS system table and are in the same namespace. The objects supported by Sybase IQ (tables, views, stored procedures, events, primary keys, and unique, check, and referential constraints) are stored in different system tables and are in different namespaces. For example, in Sybase IQ a table can have the same name as an event or a stored procedure.

Because of the architectural differences between Sybase IQ and Adaptive Server, the types of objects supported by and the syntax of Sybase IQ sp_iqhelp are different from the supported objects and syntax of Adaptive Server sp_help; however, the type of information about database objects that is displayed by both stored procedures is similar.