Previewing Your Report (Legacy Reports)

You can preview your report by selecting Report > Print Preview or by clicking the Preview tool in the End page of the Report Creation Wizard. You can preview a report item by right-clicking it in the Report Items pane and selecting Quick View.

Report Print Preview - Legacy

The following tools are available in this window:


Goes to preview

Tool - 7 - Print

Print the report.

Tool - 7 - One Page Tool - 7 - Two Pages

Preview the report one or two pages at a time.

Tool - 7 - First Page Tool - 7 - Previous Page Tool - 7 - Next Page Tool - 7 - Last Page

Go to the first, previous, next, or last page of the report.

Tool - 7 - Generate HTML Tool - 7 - Generate RTF

Generate the report in HTML or RTF format.

Tool - 7 - Find a Row

Open the Find Objects dialog. Specify the model (for multi-model reports), object type, and object you want to find, and then click Find to display a list of topics that mention the object. Then select a topic in the list and click Display to go to that topic in the report preview:

Tool - 7 - Help


Tool - 7 - Close Preview

Close the preview.