Change Lists

Users with the Submit permission on a repository folder or model cannot write directly to that location, but must instead check their changes into a change list, to be reviewed by one or more reviewers. You can add one or more models or other documents to a change list all at once or over several check ins. Documents checked into a change list are stored in a special folder in the repository and their contents are not available to other users until they have been approved and integrated into the mainline.

Change Lists - Example - Documents Tab
An administrator will determine the policies by which documents can be checked into the repository on a global or folder-by-folder basis (see Controlling Repository Access). PowerDesigner supports the following kinds of review policy:

You can consult all the open change lists that you have created and those which are awaiting your review under the Change Lists folder in the Browser Repository tab:
Change Lists - Browser
To consult any change list, whether open or closed, containing models for which you have at least Read permission, select Repository > Change Lists.