Obtaining Emergency Access to the Repository

In the event that no administrator is able to log in to a running repository, it is possible to create an emergency administrator account to regain access.

  1. If the repository proxy is not already in use in your environment, install it on the repository server or a nearby machine for which you are an administrator (see Installation Guide > Installing the Repository Proxy).
  2. Launch the Repository Proxy Configuration utility (pdproxyconf16.exe).
    Note: On a Windows 7 machine, you must open the utility by right-clicking its icon or menu item and selecting Run as administrator.
  3. If an instance is not already available for the repository in question, create one, specifying the appropriate data source, user name, password, and port to connect to the repository database.
  4. Select the appropriate instance and click the Create Emergency User button to open the Emergency Password dialog, and then select Show password to see an automatically generated password, for use with the special _ADMIN account.
  5. Within 15 minutes, open PowerDesigner and select Repository > Connect, select the appropriate repository, enter _ADMIN as the login name and the generated password in the Password field and click OK.
    Note: If you do not access the repository within 15 minutes, you must repeat the procedure to generate a new temporary password.
  6. Reset the administrator's password or create a new administrator account as appropriate (see Creating Repository Users).
  7. Select Repository > Disconnect to disconnect the emergency user from the repository.
    Note: The emergency user is deleted after disconnection.