Creating a Model in Eclipse

A model is the basic work unit in PowerDesigner. Every model is contained within a project, and contains at least one diagram and any number of other objects. Though a model may be split into packages for organizational reasons or may contain several diagrams, it remains the fundamental basis for your modeling work.

  1. Select File > New > Model to open the New Model dialog box.
  2. Select a model type and specify whether you want to create an empty model or one based on a template, then click Next to go to the Destination Container page.
  3. Select a project or project folder in which to create the model. Use the buttons to create a project (see Creating a Modeling Project in Eclipse) or folder if necessary, and then click Next to go to the Model Definitions page.
  4. Enter a name for your model and (for BPM, PDM, OOM, and XSM) select the target of the model. Depending on the type of model, you may also need to specify the first diagram to create.
  5. Click Next to go to the Extensions page, and select any extension files that you want to attach to the new model.
  6. Click Finish to create the model in your project in the Model Explorer, and open its default diagram in the editor area.